A total of 9,333 prisoners Get Remission Christmas and 175 Direct Free
By : Ahmad Fadli Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Monday, December 25 2017 - 23:00 IWST
Ilustrasi narapidana. (Foto: IST)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Jakarta - The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights gave Christmas Day remembrance to 9,333 Catholic and Protestant inmates all over Indonesia. With this remission, as many as 175 of them will be free immediately. Meanwhile, 9158 other inmates are still serving criminal remains in prison and prisons.
"The reduction of punishment or remission should be interpreted as an appreciation for those who are considered to have achieved self-awareness reflected in attitudes and behaviors that are in accordance with the norms of religion and social norms prevailing in society," said Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yassona H Laoly through his written statement on Sunday (24/12/2017).
Remissions are given between 15 to 2 months, depending on the length of time the prisoner is serving a sentence. Details of remissions that get reduced prison terms are 15 days remission for 2,338 people, 1 month for 5,895 people, 1 month 15 days for 745 people and 2 months for 180 people.
The three regions that received the most remission of Christmas, the North Sumatra as many as 1844 inmates, North Sulawesi as much as 952, and Papua as many as 814.
Yasonna said the reduction in the sentence was because prisoners had met the required administrative and substantive requirements. "For those who get the remission should be grateful to God Almighty because remission is wisdom worthy of inmates receive," said Yasonna.
Not only as a reward for prisoners, has the provision of remission also had the potential to save the state budget more than Rp 3.8 billion. The calculation is based on quota per inmate of Rp 14,700 for 260,760 days.
Director of Preparation of Prisoners and Training of Production of Directorate General of Correctional, Harun Sulianto, said that the optimization of remission is also a strategy to overcome the excess capacity in prison and prison.
"Currently there are 233 thousand inmates and prisoners who inhabit 526 prisons and detention in Indonesia," said Aaron.
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