Ministry of Agriculture Affirms Planting Requirements for Garlic Importers to Continue

By : Wiyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Sunday, May 06 2018 - 02:30 IWST

Direktur Jenderal Hortikultura Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) Wajib Tanam Importir Bawang Putih Tetap Lanjut (Foto: Wiyanto/
Direktur Jenderal Hortikultura Kementerian Pertanian (Kementan) Wajib Tanam Importir Bawang Putih Tetap Lanjut (Foto: Wiyanto/ - Jakarta - Director General of Horticulture Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Suwandi, dismissed the notion that the mandatory rules of planting garlic as a cause of the rising price of garlic. Therefore, the mandatory planting policy for importers continues.
"The planting obligation for garlic importers is not as difficult as the opinion that developed so far, as long as the importers want to go directly and partner with the farmers of the Department of Agriculture," said Suwandi in Jakarta, Saturday (5/5/2018).
In fact, said Suwandi, some successful importers plant with wide area as happened in Banyuwangi, Temanggung and East Lombok. In order for all successful importers like this, Kementan with the Agriculture Department is open to facilitate importers to realize the planting obligations.
"We are together with the Agriculture Agency ready to facilitate the importers who are well-meaning and consistent to realize their planting obligations," he said.
Following the result of the 4th hearing of the Commission IV of the House of Representatives (RDPU) last week, Suwandi continued, he immediately held a national meeting in Semarang which took place from 2 to 4 May 2018 yesterday. The meeting brought more than 70 importers who received the Horticultural Product Import Recommendation (RIPH) 2017 and RIPH 2018. The event was also attended by the Agriculture Department in Indonesia and some figures of garlic farmers from Tegal and Karanganyar.
At this meeting was also present Member of Commission IV Oo Sutisna together with representatives of the Directorate General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Commerce and Dept. of Plantation and Horticulture Ministry of Economic Affairs.
"Commission IV of the House of Representatives strongly supports the step towards self-sufficiency in garlic" said Suwandi.
Responding to the insistence on importer plantation obligation to be reviewed, Suwandi asserted that the basic philosophy of mandatory planting and compulsory produce as stated in Permentan 38/2017 is to build mutualism symbiosis between importers and farmers to achieve mutual prosperity.
"So it is not just a deposit of so many dollars to the country then import permits issued, it is very different context", he said.
Kementan reminded importers to prepare themselves and adapt well. Because the volume of imports will continue to be reduced in line with the achievement of self-sufficiency in 2021.
"In the next 3 to 4 years, garlic importers are expected to have turned into local garlic entrepreneurs," said Suwandi.
"Some BUMDs are also encouraged to participate in developing garlic through importer partnership schemes with farmers," he continued.
Related to the difficulty of obtaining land and seeds, Suwandi explained that when Kementan already has a suitable land potential database for garlic. To verify the truth in the field, also has prepared a digital mapping system through android-based technology so that more practical and accurate.
"In 2018 this garlic seed is widely available, because all the crop end of last year will be used as seed this year. If it is lacking, we encourage the import of seeds from Taiwan, Egypt and India which are DNA tested exactly the same kind of local onion Sangga Sembalun and Lumbu Hijau, "he explained.
Bawang Putih Berkah Tani-Tegal, Ahmad Maufur said that he strongly supports the partnership program of importers with farmers. He admitted that he is currently running a partnership planting with Wings Food Group. With a profit sharing of 60 percent for farmers and 40 percent for importers it feels very profitable farmers.
"Please this excellent program is maintained and enhanced," he said.
In line with Maufur, farmers from Karanganyar Bejo Supriyanto said ready to partner with importers as long as mutual commitment.
One of the horticulture importers, CV Sinar Padang Sejahtera, Ferry Susanto Mulyono, said that he does not mind the government's plan to stop the import if the self-sufficiency is reached by 2021. Likewise, the policy that requires 5 percent of the import recommendation is not a problem.
"We are, just follow the rules. The reason is simple, committed to perform the obligations. From us it is clear; we are from the beginning of commitment. It's called obligation not something heavy, "he said.
Practitioner of vegetable cultivation abdul hamid who attended the event said "I appreciate the mandatory policy of planting 5 percent.In this event successful because it is able to bring all importers.An next step is important to implement Panca or Sapta Farming.Using superior varieties, cultivation system and proper fertilization besides water the important thing "
To be known, at the national meeting above, the importers who attended asked the Government to help the provision of warehouses or seed houses, facilitate the process of seed import licensing, facilitate the utilization of HGU, escort partnership and guidance of garlic cultivation. The government is asked to socialize and educate the farmers ag

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