72.5 Percent Satisfied Government Performance Jokowi-JK
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Saturday, May 26 2018 - 15:00 IWST
Presiden Jokowi dan Wapres JK (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - The results of the Y-Publica survey revealed that most people are satisfied with the performance of Joko Widodo and Jusuf Kalla (Jokowi-JK) government.
"Those who are happy with the government's performance are 72.5 percent, and those who are not satisfied are only 27.5 percent," said Yudi-Publica Executive Director Rudi Hartono in Jakarta on Friday (5/25/2018)
According to him, the government's most appreciated public performance is in infrastructure, which is 75.3 percent.
Next is in the field of corruption eradication there are 73.5 percent, education 72.8 percent, health 70.7 percent, and relations with overseas as much as 68 percent.
"But the public assess the performance of the government is still there are shortages in some parts," said Rudi.
He said the government's efforts in resolving the issue of enforcement of Human Rights (HAM) is considered not maximal.
Rudi conveyed only 50.4 percent who considered the issue of human rights has been followed up Jokowi-JK government.
"There is also a record of public discontent in the economic sector, especially in the issue of job creation and the fulfillment of people's basic needs." More than 50 percent of the people are not satisfied with the government's policy in solving the problem, "he said.
Rudi said the Y-Publica survey involved 1200 respondents, representing 120 villages from 34 provinces.
The study was conducted from 2 to 21 May 2018, using the "Multistage Random Sampling" method with a "margin of error" of 2.98 percent.
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