State losses SLK BLBI Rp 4.58 trillion
By : Herry Barus And Aldo Bella Putra | Tuesday, October 10 2017 - 21:00 IWST
Ilustrasi Palu Hakim (Foto Ist) - Jakarta - KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said based on investigative audit of the State Audit Board (BPK) RI state financial losses on corruption indication cases related to the issuance of Certificate of Lunas (SKL) against Bank Dagang Negara Indonesia (BDNI) of Rp4.58 trillion.
"We are grateful to BPK for assisting with the investigative audit, so our audit has been received and the indication of final financial loss from the audit result is approximately Rp4.58 trillion," Febri said at KPK Building, Jakarta, Monday (9/10 / 2017)
Febri said KPK had received the results of an investigative audit dated 25 August 2017 conducted by BPK related to the calculation of state losses in the case of corruption granting SKL to BDNI controlling shareholders in 2004 in relation to the fulfillment of obligation of asset submission by BLBI obligor to Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) .
"From the report, the state financial loss value amounted to Rp4.58 trillion of the total obligations of asset submission by BLBI obligor to IBRA amounting to Rp4.8 trillion," he said.
According to Febri, BPK investigative audit results concluded that there are indications of irregularities in the granting of SKL on BDNI, namely SKL remains granted despite not completing the overall obligation.
"The Rp4.8 trillion values consists of Rp1.1 trillion, which is considered" sustainable "and billed to tambak farmers, while Rp3.7 trillion is not discussed in the restructuring process which becomes obligatory obligations that have not been billed," said Febri.
According to him, previously based on the calculation of only Rp220 billion BPK which then really does not become part of the indication of financial losses of the country.
"So from a total of Rp4.8 trillion, the indication of the state's financial loss is Rp4.58 trillion, so this is an important step I think in handling this BLBI corruption indication case, the state financial loss audit has been completed and the process of examining the witnesses will be our do more intensive in the future," he said.
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