SOLUSI UI Asks Political Parties Participants Election 2019 to Stay Away From Various Corruptive Measures
By : Hariyanto And Aldo Bella Putra | Wednesday, January 17 2018 - 15:00 IWST
SOLUSI UI Minta Parpol Peserta Pemilu 2019 Jauhi Berbagai Tindakan Koruptif - Jakarta - Association of Muslim professionals who graduated from University of Indonesia who joined in SOLUSI UI (Solidaritas Muslim Alumni Universitas Indonesia) and the board of Indonesian Madrasah Acceleration Forum (FAMMI) affirmed that if Political Party especially carrying Islamic label wants to be trusted by people in the Regional Head Election Pilkada) In 2018, the election of legislative members (Pileg) and the Presidential Election (Pilpres) in 2019, the cadres who currently sit as members of Parliament and top state officials must stay away from all acts of corruption and acts that are forbidden religion.
In addition, the cadres must also fulfill what is promised during the campaign and away from all the actions that are forbidden by Allah SWT. Make Indonesia better.
This is the conclusion of the event Early Discussion Year 2018 organized by SOLUSI UI in cooperation with FAMMI in commemorating Milad SOLUSI UI to 1 and Milada FAMMI Ke 3.
The event, hosted by STIAMI Institute lecturer who is also Secretary General of SOLUSI UI Eman Sulaeman Nasim, presented speakers, among others, Chairman of SOLUSI UI Sabrun Jamil, Presidential Candidate of the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Prosperous Justice Party, Mardani Ali Sera, Political Consultant from Polmark R Eep Saefullah Fatah, General Chairman of FAMMI Akmal Naseri Baseral, and Deputy General Treasurer of DPP PAN Chandra Tirtawijaya aka Acai and Chairman of Alumny University Association of Indonesia (ILUNI UI) Arief Budhy Hardono yesterday in Jakarta.
"We want the Islamic-based political parties to unite to fight for the benefit of the ummah to bring a better, more advanced and more prosperous Indonesia. In order for the Political Party to be trusted by the community, especially the Muslim community, as the basis for the period of the Islamic Political Party, the party of political parties and their cadres should avoid any corruption, and prohibited acts of religion and avoid acts that violate state law. It is appropriate that the promises made during the campaign are actually realized," said Chairman of SOLUSI UI Sabrun Jamil.
Agree with Sabrun Jamil, Political Consultant of Polmark Eep Saefullah Fatah conveyed, a political party is said political party, if the political party really can apply the values contained in Islam, the prosperity of Muslims, stay away from the act of corruption, and away from all deeds -the banned religion. If the Political Parties admitted to the Islamic Political Party, but their actions are far from Islamic values, unable to prosper the people, then the Political Party does not deserve to be said as political party of Islam. Therefore, Eep asks people to be careful and do not easily categorize a political party.
"Do not let the category of Political Party Non-Penista Religion (PPNA) and Political Parties Penista Religion (PPA). What should come to first Party of Islamic political parties is how to fight for the interests of society and expand the network," said Eep Saefullah Fatah.
In the same place, one of the candidates for the President of the Republic of Indonesia from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Mardani Ali Sera agreed with what Eep Saefullah Fatah and his senior at Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia (FTUI) Sabrun Jamil said. According to Mardani, which currently needs to take precedence is the alignment to the values. The values of religion, especially Islam and values are believed to be true by society. These values are the value of honesty. All politicians let alone have served as members of the House of Representatives and state officials, must stay away from acts of corruption. In addition, it occupies all promises conveyed to constituents or communities.
"We need qualified people, who are diligent in working and noble," said former team leader of the successful couples Governor Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno this.
Nevertheless, Mardani Ali Sera acknowledges, the current political costs in our democracy are very expensive. In Pileg and and presidential election in 2019, the budget is Rp 15 trillion. Funds are not small. Meanwhile, for legislative candidates also require funds that are not small for the cost of campaigning. The high cost of this politics must be looked for solutions so that, good people and noble heritage, can enter and be active in Political Parties.
3rd Party Coalition
In the same place, the deputy general treasurer of Central Board of the National Mandate Party (DPP PAN) Chandra Tirta Widjaja aka Acai and Chairman of FEUI Student Family Foundation Andy Azisi agreed with what Mardani Ali Sera said. People of good quality and noble character, must plunge into the Political Parties. With the inclusion of qualified people, Professional and noble character to the world of politics, then the purpose of Political Parties and the goals of the state will be achieved well. People's welfare will be realized. However, if the Political Parties are controlled by people who lack quality and less berahak, then what happens is like today.
"To realize the good objective, DPP PAN has secretly cooperated with DPP PKS including choosing and supporting qualified candidates of regional heads and noble character in the elections simultaneously in various regions in 2018," said Chandra Tirta Wijaya.
Secretary General of SOLUSI UI Eman Sulaeman Nasim said that his side will support any qualified and noble UI alumni to progress both as members of legislative, head of region and President. Do not look at where his party is.
"Non-Partisan UI SOLUTION, every qualified Muslim UI alumni, taqwa and noble character, from whichever party they are. We will endorse. We will support both to be members of the House of Representatives, Regional Heads, even the president," said Vocational Lecturer UI and Institute STIAMI, Eman Sulaeman Nasim (*)
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