Sergap, To Protect and Improve Peasant Welfare
By : Dina Astria And Aldo Bella Putra | Friday, February 02 2018 - 21:00 IWST
Panen Padi (Foto Dok - Pandeglang - The Head of the Food Security Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture Agung Hendriadi said the attack on the absorb grain (sergap), as one of the efforts made by the government to protect and improve the welfare of farmers really done well.
"Farmers who have worked hard not to be hurt, by purchasing harvested grain the price has fallen. We have to be present to accommodate and assist the farmers, in order to benefit from this effort. We have to do it," Agung said in a coordination meeting of the headquarters of Pandeglang Regent Office on Thursday (1 / 2/2018).
In line with Agung, Regent Pandeglang Irna Narulita expects that the fate and welfare of farmers is considered. "Farmers are the real heroes, because they are the food providers of the community, so the farmers are the food that must be protected," Irna said.
In increasing rice production, according to Irna, depends on the seriousness of the farmers and also the encouragement from the central and regional governments. "Therefore, farmers should be appreciated because so far continue to increase rice production at the national level," said Irna. "One form of appreciation is by absorbing grain by the Agency of Logistics Affairs (Bulog)," she added.
In another section of Agung explained, through this food shelter is expected Bulog can move quickly to absorb grain farmers who have started to enter the harvest "We are not enough just to talk about production, but this trade must also be considered for food sufficiency, even for export," said Agung.
"If the trade can be managed properly, I am sure interested and fulfilled" he said.
Agung added that the increase in rice production at the national level is quite high. This is certainly not apart from the role of Pandeglang Regency and all components in Banten Province that has worked well. "We continue to open to increase the planting area to increase rice production," said Agung.
Present in this meeting are the Head of Food and Beverage Distribution Center of BKP Riwantoro, Wakadivre Bulog Banten Kusmiawan, Head of Agriculture of Banten Province Agus M. Tauchid, Sekda Pandeglang Fery Hasanudin, Asda Ekbang Indah Dinarsiani, Head of Agriculture Department of Pandeglang Budi S Januardi, Head of Food Security Agency of Banten Province Moh Amri, deputy of Kodim and Korem Pandeglang.
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