Taps of Garlic Import Recommendations Will Be Stopped Three To Four Years
By : Wiyanto Dan Aldo Bella Putra | Thursday, May 03 2018 - 20:30 IWST
Dirjen Hortikultura Kementan Suwandi (Foto Dok Industry.co.id)
INDUSTRY.co.id - Semarang - Mandatory planting policy and must produce 5% continuously rolled out the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) as a form of commitment to self-sufficiency garlic 2021. Public highlights voiced through the RDP Commission IV of the House to be revised in terms of rules and implementation has been followed up by a coordination meeting initiated by Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture held in Semarang, from 2nd to 4th May 2018.
Director General of Horticulture Suwandi said to support efforts to accelerate self-sufficiency of garlic efforts taken that will stop the faucet import recommendation period of 3 to 4 years. This policy is to increase farmers 'passion for planting because domestic needs are met from farmers' production. Consequently, the price of garlic received by the farmers is profitable so that the welfare is also cultivated.
"I will stop the recommendation of garlic imports within 3-4 years, so that the national market will be filled with local garlic products," said Suwandi at coordination event on Thursday (2/5/2018).
In front of the importers who attended, Suwandi asserted that this time Mr and Mrs present are called and called as importers, but 3 to 4 more years will be called as garlic businessman.
"Mr and Mrs now may be called as importers, but later no longer as an importer but as an entrepreneur," he said.
Suwandi rate, importers and farmers are like two sides of different coins, but attached to each other. The importer provides the capital and his commerce, while the farmers prepare the land.
"A symbiotic mutualism. Both cannot be separated, "he said.
Therefore, Suwandi advised the Directorate General of Horticulture to serve fully with trust and free of levies related to land availability information, recommendations and permits. Pean was submitted to the entire agricultural service for integrity and provides excellent service to entrepreneurs and farmers.
"I will be firmly cracking down on the ranks of Directorate General of Horticulture who play with permission. Do not try, "said Wandi.
On the same occasion, Inspector General Kementan, Justan Riduan Siahaan said that importers in business may make a profit. However, still must pay attention to the principle of the rule of the nation that is protecting the entire nation of Indonesia.
"Father and Mother may benefit, but fortunately fairness because our goal is to promote the public welfare and protect the entire nation of Indonesia," said Justan.
This meeting is considered to be rare because it is able to collect 65 garlic import businessmen, 24 agricultural offices of garlic central district, as well as highly competent sources in the internal Kementan, officials Daglu-Ministry of Trade, garlic traders association, and farmer-farmer garlic.
There are five recommendations of Commission IV of DPR-RI, namely (1) strengthening partnership of importers and farmers; (2) planting commitments and dispensation of mandatory planting deadlines; (3) facilitation of land and seed provision; (4) simplification of garlic business association; and (5) importation concerning domestic production will be thoroughly discussed in the meeting.
The strategic agenda in this event is of course to unravel some of the challenges and obstacles in the implementation of mandatory planting and mandatory produce mandated in Permentan no. 38/2017.
Kementan indicated up to today, already 52 companies that have been issued RIPH 2018 with total mandatory planting area of 4 thousand ha and the realization of new planting reached 174 ha. The remaining compulsory planting and yielding will be accompanied by the Agriculture Office and Ministry in the field to achieve the expected results
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